Recognize employee contributions to drive engagement

Engagement Dashboard

Gamify activities through a fine-tuned engagement points system.


Encourage participation and ensure transparency through personal gamification dashboard and contributions history.


Leaderboards & Badges

Recognize your best contributors through theme-based leaderboards and customized points-level badges.


Gamified actions

Offer employees actions to undertake and contribute in order to earn points. Further gamify your experience with action validity periods, conditions and recurrences.


Engagement programs

Create custom engagement programs aligned with a goal to prompt employees to contribute and earn rewards.


Celebrate your colleagues through peer to peer recognition kudos and promote a positive reinforcement culture and an open, friendly work atmosphere.


Brand advocacy

Encourage your employees to promote your brand through our efficient personalized employee advocacy program.


Gamified onboarding

Simplify, gamify and personalize your onboarding process.


How clients are using eXo Platform

Read the client story
« We chose eXo Platform because the solution is convenient and easy to use, which enabled us to support employees very quickly in getting started. »

Marina Chédeville, communications manager

Read the client story
« The platform is widely adopted by our employees thanks to its simplicity and ease of use, as well as the efficient support provided by eXo Platform. »

Justin Paris, Director

Read the client story
« Inria soon decided to implement a digital workplace to bring together most of its communication activities, as well as to boost employee engagement, community management and facilitate cross-functional projects. »

Morgan Argondicco, customer experience director eXo Platform

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