Created in 2010, the MonVéto Group is the first national network of general veterinary clinics in France.
MonVéto runs a network of 39 clinics spread across three main regions in France and currently employs over 200 veterinarians.
MonVéto is part of the VetaPharma Group, a pharmaceutical referencing centre. VetaPharma helps veterinary clinics negotiate commercial deals and services, develop turnover and improve profitability.
As a professional network that aims to connect vets across three main regions in France, the priority for MonVéto was to provide its stakeholders from various clinics with a solution that allows them to easily communicate and exchange knowledge and expertise.
The absence of specialized tools coupled with the increasing competition for talent, posed a threat to engagement and retention rates as well as to the attractiveness of MonVéto in the job market. This is why an Enterprise Social Network (ESN) was top of the agenda as it is primarily designed to connect users across geographically distributed areas. Additionally, the social dimensions and simple actions such as ‘likes’, comments, shares and tagging options can encourage spontaneous interactions and help in building a robust corporate and knowledge-sharing culture, which represents MonVéto’s main goal
Why eXo?
MonVéto opted to revamp its network with eXo Platform. The reasoning behind this decision was the social and collaborative nature of the platform and its capacity to integrate with existing legacy systems and third-party applications. The large array of features perfectly fit the project requirements and different use cases envisioned by the team.
The platform, named ‘Synapse’, was first deployed in September 2019. To date, it has 250 users and upwards of 80 collaborative spaces. These spaces represent dedicated and personalized areas for teams, projects, clinics and information centres. Within each space, users can store and exchange different types of knowledge, including documents, wikis and more. Additionally, the easy integration with LDAP directories allowed users to easily search for people with a single search query based on name, department, clinic or even skills. This was particularly effective in connecting users within the network
The impact
The recent pandemic further expanded the adoption of the platform as it has become the place to go to find the latest news, keep in touch with peers and generally get things done.
Following favourable feedback and high adoption rates, the project team expressed its readiness to further explore new use cases and deploy eXo Platform’s upcoming releases.