Contributing to the challenges of engagement and collaboration at the institute by rethinking its internal information and communication system.
Inria is the national institute for research in digital science and technology. World-class research, technological innovation, and entrepreneurial risk-taking are at its core.
With 220 project teams, mostly in collaboration with major research universities, over 3,900 researchers and engineers explore new avenues, often interdisciplinary and in partnership with industrial partners, to tackle ambitious challenges.
The institute supports diverse paths of innovation, from open-source software editing to the creation of technological startups.
3900 scientists
220 project teams
230 start-ups since 1984
9 research centers at the heart of major universities
The Challenge
To build an innovative, well-calibrated, and user-centric information and communication system.
The health crisis has significantly impacted Inria's work modes. With the widespread use of new virtual interaction tools (instant messaging, video conferencing, virtual events, etc.) and the decrease in physical meetings, the relationship between employees and the institute has profoundly changed. Communicators have had to find new ways to inform, produce reliable content while being responsive, and ensure the impact of messages.
Although Inria's information and communication system offers many solutions, it has some chronic weaknesses such as obsolescence, accessibility, interactivity, and impact measurement, as well as inadequacy to meet information consumption needs.
One of the project's challenges is to reinvent Inria's information and communication system with a focus on creating value to meet the evolving needs of an institute and its employees.
Why eXo?
Inria aims to have a digital environment encompassing most of its information and communication activities such as the intranet, business portals, employee engagement, collaborative platform, news portal, and community management.
eXo Platform is chosen because the solution meets the vast majority of the requirements outlined in the specifications:
A simple and unified user experience.
Compliance with the graphic charter
Interoperability with Inria's IT environment
Interactivity and animation: sharing, comments, links, curation, community management...
Accessibility: compliance with RGAA standards, responsive solution
Moreover, the solution is open-source, sovereign, and available on a secure cloud. Indeed, eXo hosts its clients' data on a trusted cloud, certified SecNumCloud through its partner 3DS Outscale.
Expected Results
A streamlined communication, fostering engagement and collaboration
The evolution of the internal information and communication system is a strategic project for Inria. The expected results by the communication management, which leads the project, are commensurate with the stakes:
Engagement: A better understanding and ownership of Inria's mission, organization, and activities
Collaboration pride: Increased participation and involvement of internal teams in proposed actions, projects, and events.
Fluidity: Employees who can easily exchange ideas and iterate with institutional partners.
Coherence and synchronicity: A platform to foster Inria's collaborative culture and project cohesion.
Find all our documents and reports on digital collaboration by visiting our resource center