[Case study]
Oman Business Forum
eXo Platform facilitates collaboration and communication between Public & Private Institutions in Oman
eXo Platform facilitates collaboration and communication between Public & Private Institutions in Oman
NCTSN implements a social e-learning platform for worldwide education of health specialists.
Unapei 92 is a family association named after the national movement Unapei of which it is a member and representative in the Hauts-de-Seine department.
ProEpi and the UNB Situation Room use eXo Platform to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the eXo Grants Program.
APAS BTP is an associative structure organised by activity centres, each of which has its own specific characteristics
Cerfrance Seine Normandie, a leader inconsulting and chartered accountancy, chose eXo Platform to build its new digital workplace.