What is eXo Platform 3.0? (Part 1)
eXo has been known for its portal since the day we delivered the industry’s first implementation of the Java portlet spec 1.0 (JSR-168). Last year, we merged our portal development with Red Hat’s JBoss portal project, and have worked closely with them to deliver GateIn.
Our customers, prospects, and other industry insiders all want to know: What is eXo Platform 3.0?
I’m going to take the next few posts to explain exactly what it can do.
First, eXo Platform 3.0 is a foundation for portal-based applications. With GateIn underpinning eXo Platform, it can do everything that you expect from an enterprise portal.
The word “portal” may be considered outdated in some circles, but Java developers know that a portal is a proven standard for building an intranet or website that can integrate additional application functionality. These customizable functions can be exposed as portlets, while features like access control and single sign-on provide security. And portals provide excellent functionality for personalization and federation.
The fact is, these portal functionalities are still critical. Our customers tell us they want to add rich user experience features to their intranets or websites (and we’ve got that, with eXo services that add activity streams, social networks, chat, forums and answers) – but they don’t want to risk the security of their enterprise infrastructure by implementing standalone “social” apps. With eXo Platform, you no longer have to choose between these sexy new features and the proven reliability of a portal.
That’s why we say eXo Platform is a portal and much much more. Stay tuned for the next post where I’ll de describing what else you can do with eXo. (Or if you can’t wait, read our white paper on eXo Platform.)