What’s new on the task management application What’s new on the task management application Managing projects, tasks and workflows eXoProduct News
Right-to-Left (RTL) support for the next eXo Platform release Right-to-Left (RTL) support for the next eXo Platform release Our latest major eXoProduct News
Platform sneak peek: the new analytics module Platform sneak peek: the new analytics module “If you can’t measure it, eXoProduct News
What’s new on the Agenda application What’s new on the Agenda application Our latest major version eXo Platform eXoProduct News
eXo Platform 6.1: A transformed remote working experience eXo Platform 6.1: A transformed remote working experience We are excited to eXoProduct News
Platform sneak peek: The new task management application Platform sneak peek: The new task management application With the release of eXoProduct News