Cartoon of the Week: Gates to donate Five Percent Of His Fortune To his own Charity Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has made the largest gift of the century eXoFun
Cartoon of the Week: Children to learn some ethical hacking skills at DEF CON In order to bolster its cyber defenses, the US Army is getting eXoFun
Cartoon of the Week: Musk and Zuckerberg clash over artificial intelligence Two of tech’s biggest juggernauts are having differing views on whether artificial eXoFun
Cartoon of the Week: Blippar turns your face into a digital billboard This week Blippar launched Halos, a social app built on facial recognition eXoFun
Cartoon of the Week: Can animals own the copyrights to their selfies? It was supposed to be a harmless selfie highlighting an endangered black eXoFun