eXo Platform announces the release of its latest version: eXo Platform 6.2 eXo Platform announces the release of its latest version: eXo Platform 6.2 eXoNewsProduct News
Manage projects within eXo Platfom Manage projects within eXo Platfom Project management has always been a vital eXoNewsProduct News
Accessibility on eXo Platform Accessibility on eXo Platform In today’s modern digital workplace, the ease with eXoNewsProduct News
What’s new on the task management application What’s new on the task management application Managing projects, tasks and workflows eXoNewsProduct News
Right-to-Left (RTL) support for the next eXo Platform release Right-to-Left (RTL) support for the next eXo Platform release Our latest major eXoNewsProduct News
eXo Platform ranked as a “Market Leader” in the Spring 2021 Employee Intranet Software Customer Success Report eXo Platform ranked as a “Market Leader” in the Spring 2021 Employee eXoNewsProduct News