Sneak peek: overview of third-party videoconferencing connectors

Let’s go for a new episode of our “Sneak peek” series, with a focus on new connectors for third-party videoconferencing services.

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Why video conferencing connectors?

Today, videoconferencing is a central tool for remote collaboration. Every organization has its own preferences when it comes to the solutions used, and within the same organization, the tool chosen can change from one department to another.

That’s why we’ve developed connectors that allow you to integrate the tool that best suits your needs, while remaining within a unified, integrated collaborative environment.

As a result, you’ll be able to use your preferred videoconferencing tool, whether Zoom, Webex or Teams, right within your eXo platform, in addition to Jitsi.

How does it work?

Once you’ve configured your preferences on your eXo Platform, simply click on the “Start a call” button, which can be accessed from another user’s card or workspace.

If several videoconferencing tools are configured, an arrow will appear next to the call button, allowing you to select the tool of your choice.

What are the benefits?

With these connectors, you have many possibilities:

  • Diversity of tools: You’re no longer limited to Jitsi. You can connect other videoconferencing tools, according to your preferences or those of your teams.
  • Flexibility: different departments can choose the tool that best suits their needs. For example, one department may prefer Zoom, while another uses Webex. Each employee can also choose the tool that’s easiest to use, depending on the person with whom he or she wishes to communicate.
  • Secure videoconferencing: You can also secure some videoconferences according to workspaces and confidentiality requirements, by choosing a different tool for sensitive spaces.
  • Webinars: You can add a service for high-volume webinars in certain spaces.

Setting up a videoconferencing connector?

Adding new videoconferencing connectors to your eXo Platform is quick and easy. As an administrator, you simply activate the connectors with a few clicks. For users, simply add the connection link for your preferred tool to your profile page, and you’re ready to use the solution that suits you best!

This feature facilitates the integration of third-party tools, giving you greater flexibility in your videoconferencing choices. It’s the perfect solution to meet the diverse needs of organizations!

Connectors are already available from eXo Platform 6.5 version for customers with an active subscription.

Stay tuned for further product updates!


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I am the communication manager at eXo Platform. I found myself in communications a bit by chance, but this field brings together everything that pationates me: creativity, energy, meetings, collaborative work, sharing and exchanges of good practices. I need to give meaning to what I do and put people at the center of all my actions.
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I am the communication manager at eXo Platform. I found myself in communications a bit by chance, but this field brings together everything that pationates me: creativity, energy, meetings, collaborative work, sharing and exchanges of good practices. I need to give meaning to what I do and put people at the center of all my actions.