New Pioneer build
You can now download the new eXo pioneer build from the OW2 forge
As you know our pioneer builds are the very last community distribution, it comes with the SVN last changes (from trunk) and all the eXo products packaged into a single one – eXo Ultimate – to allow you to test this incredible platform
Indeed it includes:
- eXo Portal
- eXo WebOS
- eXo ECM
- eXo CS
- and of course eXo JCR, PC and WS as the core components of the platform
This pioneer build is the first one with Mail, Contact and Shared Calendar applications in a beta state
, aka it is usable. It also comes with many bug fixes and improvements, enjoy!
After a move to a dedicated SVN hosted on Amazon EC2 and S3, we are now able to restart to release pioneer builds every 2 or 3 weeks. You will not have to wait two months between 2 releases anymore!
If you want stable, packaged products you will have to go with the subscription version that will be launched very very soon, stay tuned!