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eXo’s team will be present this year at Open Source Experience, the European event dedicated to open-source IT solutions. Supported by Systematic Paris Région, Open Source Experience will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on December 4 and 5, 2024, and will bring together over 6,000 open-source professionals.
Join our team on booth C19 to talk about your digital transformation projects. You’ll be able to ask all your questions and enjoy a demonstration of our digital workplace, the all-in-one, open-source and sovereign alternative.
Feel free to contact us to make an appointment.
📅 Thursday December 5, 2024 at 2:50pm – Alan Cox Room
Chelles, a French city with a population of 55,000 and 900 employees, has just replaced its aging collaborative intranet with the eXo Platform digital workplace, an open-source and sovereign solution.
Antoine Trillard, the city’s CIO and president of coTer Numérique (an association of local authorities working on digital issues), will share his experience of this project.
Through this use case about the implementation of a digital workplace, you’ll discover why the local authority moved towards an alternative to proprietary tools, and chose an open-source, sovereign solution.
This conference will be hosted by :
– Antoine Trillard, CIO of the city of Chelles and President of coTer Numérique
– Veronika Mazour Mestrallet, CEO and co-founder of eXo Platform
Apply now for your free visitor badge to attend the event!
eXo Platform 6 : The Open-Source
Digital Workplace Platform
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
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I am the communication manager at eXo Platform. I found myself in communications a bit by chance, but this field brings together everything that pationates me: creativity, energy, meetings, collaborative work, sharing and exchanges of good practices. I need to give meaning to what I do and put people at the center of all my actions.