Inside eXo – Meet an eXoer
Omar Bouras is a 32-year-old Consultant Engineer at eXo Platform. He wanted to be a pilot, and he loves nature and mousse au chocolat!
“A consultant actually cures the client’s headaches.”
Take us back to your beginnings at eXo.
I’d just quit my job…and there was eXo. They called me. I remember being interviewed by the general manager and the service delivery director. They hired me, and that’s where my eXo adventure started. I’ve become very interested in our product, I’ve learned a lot, and I’ve evolved over time.
If you had to define the consultant’s job, what would you say?
Tricky [laughs]! A consultant actually cures the client’s headaches. He or she is in direct communication with the client and has to fully understand his or her needs. Among other things, a consultant has to intervene and react if there is a problem, and he or she has to manage potential technical conflicts.
What difficulties have you encountered?
Most of the time, I’m dealing with technical issues. Clients have needs they should clearly express. Sometimes, if clients cannot precisely assess their needs, we do our best to get as close as possible to what they want. Then, when we give them our solution, they realize that it’s not quite what they wanted. That’s what we call communication problems. Sometimes, we also have limitations…
What are the good aspects of being a consultant?
As a consultant, the client context and the technical aspects vary quite often. The deployment phases of the product are almost never the same. We’re constantly gaining experience, especially in terms of communication and project management. Diversity: that’s the value I see in being a consultant.
Tell us about a typical day at the eXo office…
At eXo, we have very good working relationships, and that’s really great. So, when I arrive in the morning, I usually have coffee with the “guys”, which are my colleagues. We chat a little, we laugh a lot, and we get right to work. I check my e-mails, and I take a look at our activity stream to see what’s happening inside our eXo family. Then, I check the Consulting Space to follow up on ongoing projects and see if there have been updates. I organize my schedule for the day. I also have daily meetings with my clients to keep them up to date with our progress. Then comes lunch with the guys again.
…and at a client’s office?
At a client’s office, it’s never “typical.” I once went to Turkey. I was integrated with a team that I had given my knowledge on the eXo product, and I helped them adapt it to their needs.
After each mission, I write up a report and upload it to our eXo Consulting Space so my colleagues can access the information and comment on it. That way, we create an exchange of ideas so we always do our best.
What job wouldn’t you have liked doing?
The one I’m doing [laughs]! Believe it or not, I found myself in it by chance. I wish I could fly planes. I still think about it sometimes, but it’s too late to start over now [laughs].
What sound or noise do you love?
The sound of waves. I find it really soothing…sitting on the beach…just listening to the waves.
What sound or noise do you hate?
Car horns and Zyed’s noise [laughs]. Zyed is a dear colleague and friend of mine! We tease each other a lot.
What’s your favorite movie?
Blood Diamond
What’s your favorite food?
Noicer Pasta, figs, and chocolate mousse !
Tell us something about you that you wouldn’t like us to know?
You know, sometimes I don’t want people to know where I am. I just love to sneak out and disappear. I enjoy being in the wild with nature, doing something to clear my mind. Last time, for instance, I spent the night at the beach. It was really cool!
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