Help Us Translate eXo Platform
Do you wish eXo Platform was available in your language? Have you noticed a typo or translation that you want fix? If so, you’ll be happy to hear you can now contribute to the product with
This great collaborative translation service is powered by, who have generously granted an open source license for eXo Platform usage.
All translations of eXo Platform will now be managed through this centralized service, where you can freely browse files and view any string of the product.
Even better, the service is open for contributions, which can be submitted by registered users. We’ve made the most popular languages available, but if you find one that isn’t yet activated, please ask for it in the forums.
What do we do with the translations submitted by the community? All validated translations will be included in the source code packaged with every release, so you’ll have the latest localizations available.
How can you make sure your translation is accepted? Each submitted translation is reviewed by a language proofreader, who is responsible for validating the best translation among those submitted. If you want to be considered for a proofreader role, let us know in the forums.
How are translations supported? For now, this is a community-supported service. eXo Global Support Services only provides support for the default language (English) at this time.
We hope you will enjoy this new service! If you have any questions, send us a message.