Tutorial: how to extend social email notifications
The email notification feature will help you to avoid missing things that happen in your organization. These emails will help you to keep track of activities and events in your social intranet.
There are two types of email notification: notification emails for each event and a digest email that collects all notifications during a certain period and is sent once per day or per week.
By default, eXo Platform supports a large of number of events like: new user, connection request, space invitation, space join request, mention, comment on activity, like on activity, post on my stream and post in my spaces.
In some cases, you might want to add other notifications or customize existing notifications based on a dedicated event. In this tutorial, you will see how to add a new notification, ‘One of my connections has posted a message’, by implementing your own eXo social notification plugin.
Sample Notification Extension
This extension will send an email notification when a connection posts an activity on their activity stream.
This new notification should also appear in the settings. Just like the others, users can choose whether they want to receive this kind of notification or not.
- The extension requires Platform 4.1.x. I’ve already tested it on Platform 4.1-M1 and 4.1-M2.
- This tutorial involves developing your own extension, so it is good if you understand eXo Platform Extensions.
Creating your extension project
Creating your extension called
requires two packages:is where you declare the extension webapp as a dependency of the portal container. This means that under you need to create with the following content:
<object-param> <name>addDependencies</name> <object type="org.exoplatform.container.definition.PortalContainerDefinitionChange$AddDependencies"> <!-- The name of the portal container --> <field name="dependencies"> <collection type="java.util.ArrayList"> <value> <string>custom-notification-extension</string> </value> </collection> </field> </object> </object-param>
contains resources and configurations. The webapps are loaded in the order defined in the list of dependencies in the .
you need to register two external component plugins:<external-component-plugins> <target-component>org.exoplatform.social.core.manager.ActivityManager</target-component> <component-plugin> <name>ActivityNotificationImpl</name> <set-method>addActivityEventListener</set-method> <type>org.exoplatform.custom.notification.impl.ActivityNotificationImpl</type> </component-plugin> </external-component-plugins>
* When an activity is created (this event is
) then will be triggered. In this class, we will implement sending an email notification (see the details in the next section):<external-component-plugins> <target-component>org.exoplatform.commons.api.notification.service.setting.PluginContainer</target-component> <component-plugin> <name>notification.plugins</name> <set-method>add</set-method> <type>org.exoplatform.custom.notification.plugin.ActivityConnectionPlugin</type> <description>Initial information for plugin.</description> <init-params> <object-param> <name>template.ActivityConnectionPlugin</name> <description>The template of ActivityConnectionPlugin</description> <object type="org.exoplatform.commons.api.notification.plugin.config.PluginConfig"> <field name="pluginId"> <string>ActivityConnectionPlugin</string> </field> <field name="resourceBundleKey"> <string>UINotification.label.ActivityConnectionPlugin</string> </field> <field name="order"> <string>5</string> </field> <field name="defaultConfig"> <collection type="java.util.ArrayList"> <value><string>Instantly</string></value> <!--value><string>Daily</string></value→ <!--value><string>Weekly</string></value--> </collection> </field> <field name="groupId"> <string>connections</string> </field> <field name="templateConfig"> <object type="org.exoplatform.commons.api.notification.plugin.config.TemplateConfig"> <field name="bundlePath"> <string>locale.notification.template.Notification</string> </field> <field name="templatePath"> <string>war:/notification/templates/ActivityConnectionPlugin.gtmpl</string> </field> </object> </field> </object> </object-param> </init-params> </component-plugin> </external-component-plugins>
* This configuration will register a plugin called
with some important parameters:- defaultConfig: Instantly – sends email notifications right away; daily and weekly are used for digest emails.
- groupId: general, connections, spaces, activity – This is the group for your custom notification in Notification Settings (you could also create a new group).
- templateConfig: bundlePath – points to the resource bundle file and templatePath is the template for the email notification’s content.
Implementing your own eXo social notification plugin
is extended from . In this class we override the saveActivity method:
public void saveActivity(ActivityLifeCycleEvent event) { ExoSocialActivity activity = event.getSource(); NotificationContext ctx = NotificationContextImpl.cloneInstance().append(ACTIVITY, activity); ctx.getNotificationExecutor().with(ctx.makeCommand(NotificationKey.key(ActivityConnectionPlugin.ID))) .execute(ctx); }
The main class you need to implement is AbstractNotificationPlugin with some important methods:
. This is extended from- 1. makeNotification creates a NotificationInfo object, which is used to build a message for sending a notification instantly and store it in the database for building a digest message.
- 2. makeMessage makes the MessageInfo from the given NotificationInfo that is kept inside NotificationContext, which is sent immediately when a user is active.
- 3. makeDigest makes the digest message from the given NotificationInfo that is kept inside NotificationContext.
- 4. isValid validates the conditions for sending an email notification. If it returns false then a message is not sent.
For this example, we make sure that if a poster posts on their activity stream then an email is sent. If they post on somebody else’s activity stream or in a space, then an email is not sent.
* Edit email content
* Edit resource bundle
If you want to add more languages, simply clone this file and change _en to a required language, then create a translation for it.
You can download the source code here.
* Build a project using:
* Copy the
file to the directory.* Copy the
file to the .* Start your tomcat using:
Now in your Notification Settings you should see the new notification ‘One of my connections has posted a message’ under Connections.
Test it to see whether you receive an email notification when one of your connections posts an activity on their activity stream. You should receive an email like this:
Congratulations on your first simple customized social email notification! Now you can implement any customizations you might need.
Going further
Of course, customizations can do more than this sample customized social notification. You can register any event to send email notifications, like user login, logout, posting to the wiki, uploading or creating documents, calendar events, tasks…
Just do it. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them on the Support Forums.
+ Email Notification Specification: https://community.exoplatform.com/portal/intranet/wiki/
+ Managing Email Notifications: https://docs.exoplatform.org
+ Creating your Extension Project: https://docs-old.exoplatform.org/public/index.jsp?topic=%2FPLF40%2FPLFDevGuide.eXoPlatformExtensions.CreatingExtensionProject.html
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