eXo's Support Knowledge Base is Now Open! Learn from eXo Customer Inquiries and Use Cases!

Because we care about our customers and our community, eXo is opening up its internal support knowledge base (KB).
eXo’s Support Knowledge Base is Now Open


1. Cool, but what is the support knowledge base?

The support knowledge base is a collection of pages. Each page has a query that one of eXo’s customers has faced when using eXo Platform.
Each query is followed by a technical analysis and a solution or a workaround to help resolve the issue.

2. How and when are new articles created?

eXo customers may require the in-depth knowledge of the eXo Support Team for some obscure feature or to deal with a particular real-life case.
Usually the process begins with a request from a customer on our support site http://support.exoplatform.com.
A support engineer will start by checking the inquiry and getting more information from the customer. Then the support engineer identifies the most appropriate solution, which is given to the customer, who should validate it. Once the solution has been validated, the query is resolved from the customer’s perspective, but the support engineer will use it to create a knowledge base article. Once validated, this article is published in our internal knowledge base where it can be used by other teams.

3. Do these knowledge base articles replace the official documentation?

No. They are additional support documentation, from development hints and tips to server administration how-tos. They are based on real-life use cases that our customers have reported. They are questions not yet covered by our official documentation.
You can find out how to tune some databases servers like Mysql or Microsoft SQL Server and how to diagnose server problems using basic performance troubleshooting steps, which will help you to manage your production system efficiently.

4. Got it! Where can I find this knowledge base?

You can find our knowledge base on our community website at this URL: https://community.exoplatform.com/portal/intranet/wiki/Knowledge_Base_Articles.
You can also find our official documentation here http://docs.exoplatform.com/.
We hope you will find the articles helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or add your feedback on our forums. You are invited to post comments or questions on the knowledge base entries, and we will be happy to answer them.

5. Can I contribute to the knowledge base?

Of course you can! Feel free to submit a new entry. It will be reviewed by our engineers, discussed with the community and eventually posted in the official KB. (link to a KB template in the FORUM)
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