This article is part of the “Sneak Peek” series and presents a new feature – the whiteboard.
As you know, eXo Platform’s videoconverencing features are based on the open-source component Jitsi. As part of this integration, we regularly update the Jits component. In particular, in preparation of the 6.5 upcoming release we upgraded to Jitsi 2.0.8719.
As a consequence, we can now offer the Jitsi 2.0.8719 features.
Whenever you are launching a videoconference (from the chat, from the agenda link, from the user profile, etc), you can now share a whiteboard. This starts an extra user – the whitboard – and all participants can write on it.
Breakout rooms are very useful when you are hosting video conferences with a hundred or more participants. Indeed, this feature allows you to create isolated audio and video sessions in parallel with the main meeting to work in small groups on a specific topic.
The meeting host can decide to automatically or manually assign participants to the annex rooms and can grant them permission to enter or exit these rooms.
This feature makes collaboration and exchanges easier.
Most of the capabilities featured above are ready to try in our instant trial that you can access through this link
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I am the Chief Executive Officer of eXo Platform (the open source digital workplace platform), a company that I co-founded while in college and that I came back to after several years in the banking and consulting industry. I blog about modern work, about open-source and sovereignty issues. Occasionally, I also blog about my personal areas of interest, such as personal development, work–life balance, sustainability and gender equality.