Download the eXo Platform 7.0 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
We are excited to announce the release of eXo Platform 7.0. This major version was in the works for 2.5 years, and represents a quantum leap in both features and technical stack from our previous 6.x product series.
This new release is exceptionally rich, that a single announcement blog post could not possibly do it justice. Consequently, this post will focus on the highlights. We will detail new features and improvements in additional articles, at a later time.
Let us start with an overview. What makes this new major version special:
eXo Platform 7.0 marks a huge step in the technical stack upgrades, introducing:
In particular, a major technical leap is done introducing the Springboot framework. All new services are now produced based on this framework.
The chat component is now based on the Matrix server.
The features above lead to huge advantages in terms of:
The 7.0 version also upgrades all functional components incorporating :
eXo Platform 7.0 features exciting new platform capabilities – helping customize & manage the platform without code while also easing the extension of the platform.
The page layout has been completely revamped, with advanced styling options and a state of the art UI/UX experience.
The platform makes it easy to add a new link or a new page and manage your navigation:
It is now possible to apply a background to a section/page or all pages of your platform; introduce a background image, add transparency effects, etc.
Advanced style modifications (for example fonts) can be introduced and applied to the platform directly from the administration panel.
eXo Platform 7.0 features new fully customisable sidebar & topbar navigations.
The sidebar can be hidden – to make more space on the screen or to create a website style look and feel. Navigation opens when clicking on the burger button. The bar can also be fully displayed, creating an app-style experience, or showed as an icon column (see below):
By default, the user can change between the three modes, and also choose his homepage – a click on the logo from anywhere will bring him to his homepage.
It is possible to customize this navigation. A real life preview is available:
In particular, it is possible to:
It is possible to introduce in the sidebar space tabs that would list spaces in that type/category. For example, the picture extracted from eXo Tribe, features personal circles in a separate tab, then lists all spaces by latest access date :
It is possible to choose which of the available features are present in the topbar on desktop and mobile.
A direct preview is available
These capabilities help configure any type of experience with eXo Platform and choose which UI/UX suits best your users.
It is now possible to create your own space templates, and configure the many available options.
You can choose information needed to create a new space using your template. You can specify default settings and permissions. You can create and edit the navigation, choose which applications are available in the space and also edit the page layout.
You can apply a template to an existing space to change it’s layout and configuration settings.
The platform ships with 4 default space types/templates available:
It is now possible to create and manage templates for sections – that is a fragment of a page. This makes editing pages faster and easier.
The platform now supports templates for sites. The management of page templates has been reviewed and simplified.
The platform supports templates for pages.
A user can easily create a new template and make it available to others. Thus building a site becomes easy.
With eXo Platform 7.0, it becomes easy to extend the platform, creating new applications and managing them.
All available internal applications are now centralized in the portlets tab. The portlet can be instantiated using a visual, a category, a description….to become available to end users to compose pages.
From the same interface, it is also possible to create directly a new application. In this case, you are brought to a code editor screen, where you can put your code and see the run result. Below is an example of a simple gadget, displaying a modified profile card.
Below the above gadget used in practice, in a page:
PWA allows you to “install” a website on your computer or your mobile as a standard application, resulting in an application button.
eXo Platform is fully responsive. Therefore PWA supports all eXo features.
This new technology leads to huge benefits:
Moreover, the platform offers many options to improve user experience on mobile:
eXo Platform partners with Wikit to natively integrate generative AI into the eXo digital workplace.
eXo Platform 7.0 features a chatbot based on generative AI, directly integrated into the digital workplace. The aim is to facilitate access to information, optimize collaboration and provide an enriched user experience thanks to AI.
This innovative solution enables users to interact naturally with conversational AI within a workspace, asking questions and obtaining precise, contextualized answers, based on reliable and secure sources belonging to the organization.
This tool is ideal for knowledge and training spaces, as it adapts to users’ contexts and needs, exploiting only the information in the space in which it is enabled, and strictly respecting the access permissions defined in the space.
This space-based operation, made possible by eXo’s information segmentation, will enable customers to finely control the exposure of information to AI.
The platform ships with many more new features and improvements. Let us review by topic.
Editing options. Editing experience has been enriched with mentions and new picture management.
Multi-language management. Multi-language capabilities have been extended to news articles. It is now possible to automatically translate the content when editing and save a content version in each language. Moreover, users can activate automated translation when reading, if the content is not produced in their language.
Publishing. Advanced options are available including scheduled publishing and un-publishing, author’s name hiding and reactions de-activation.
Space public sites. Any space can have a public site – potentially open to non space members, or even to users outside of the organisation (public access). A space manager can easily create a public page / site for his space to feature his communications beyond his space audience. This is also useful for open communities aiming at attracting new members. When activated, the site will be available from the space directory, when clicking on the space card.
Space news target. A news target is automatically created with each new space, with automatic rights configuration, so that the space manager can publish news directly.
The platform ships with several new content management portlets to simplify your content management.
Terms and conditions features has been revamped. In particular, the conditions are now edited via an article standard editor with advanced graphic options.
Dynamic org chart. This new feature generates a dynamic org chart, based on the user profiles manager field. The chart can be “navigated” by clicking on a card. The component can be featured on any page but is also available from the user profile, the profile card and the user avatar. Thus, at any time, from any user activity it is possible to see his place in the organisation.
Hide field options in user profiles for privacy.
Profile quick search, allowing other users to browse by country, department and other parameters and find similar users.
Customizable user profile card, to display in the directory and the org chart.
Revamped spaces directory featuring modified space cards, filters and customizations. In particular it is possible to limit display to a category of spaces, creating several directories.
UI/UX for space creation. In particular template visuals are offered when relevant. Depending on the template, the step sequence is simplified – thus a circle space can be created in 1 click.
UI/UX for space invitation. Invitations for both internal and guest users are made easy, and simpler to follow.
Spaces settings. A centralized interface offered to manage space settings, at a delegated (space) level. We have introduced new options and improved space administration experiences for space managers. In particular, space roles and delegations are now also managed from a centralized interface.
Spaces administration. A new management board is available to the administrator with sorting / filtering options and bulk actions.
With 7.0, the Process application uses .pdf forms instead of .oform forms. An automated format converter is provided for existing formats to switch to pdf.
eXo chat server has been transferred to Matrix open-source component. This will allow users to configure Element as a second desktop / mobile app, to isolate their chat experience when needed.
eXo chat drawer is being enriched with new capabilities.
eXo Platform 7.0 introduces a categories management framework, making it possible to create new categories / subcategories. The latter can be applied to spaces (knowledge bases) to make sense of multiple contexts.
eXo Platform 7.0 embarks OnlyOffice 8.2, which supports RTL for document edition. Thus it is now possible to create and edit a document in Arabic.
New UI/UX introduced for Trash, featuring filters and multi-selection for restoring.
“Open in read-only” and “go to location” actions added in Documents.
We have merged the news and note article objects, creating a unified experience, and adding new features.
From now on, a note can be published as a news, in the activity stream and via a news list.
In the same way, a news article can be classified in a page tree.
Cross referencing has been improved – it is now easy to browse, find and reference notes from articles.
Several new developments have been shipped in the engagement category, mixing general user experience and engagement features.
Group mentions. It is now possible to mention a group – everybody (all space members), space managers, etc in a post or in an article.
Space kudos. It is now possible to send a kudos to a space as opposed to one person. This allows to say thank you and recognize a group of people, rewarding teamwork.
Stream readability improvement. To improve the stream readability and the overall use-experience with the stream (which is truly the heart of the eXo user experience), display rules have been reviewed and implemented.
Without going into details, the stream now automatically shortens long activities and hides comments, when the user has read them.
Example of a shortened message:
Default programs (onboarding, ideation, advocacy..) shipped with the product to get you started.
Contributions: Pending status. It is now possible to decide whether points for an action are attributed immediately or upon review/validation. This is an important change that helps moderating an active community.
Redesigned display cards for programs and actions.
Emoticons in titles and text.
Complex Actions sequences. You can now link Actions across different programs, creating complex sequences that guide contributors through a structured path.
This is particularly useful for creating reusable onboarding processes or progressive challenges that adapt to various community needs.
Effortless notifications. When publishing an Action, it’s easier than ever to notify your community members.
As soon as a new Action is available, contributors will receive personalized notification.
Variable points allocation. While point allocation has remained unchanged, we’ve introduced the option of assigning variable points based on the outcome of a contribution.
This is particularly useful in integrations like Crowdin, where points can be allocated based on the number of words translated. This level of granularity ensures that contributions are rewarded proportionately to the effort invested.
Redesigned “Contribute” site
We worked on a generic video-conferencing connector to supplement our standard jitsi option. The connector allows to set-up several videoconferencing options for a space or for a person. It is possible to use several video-conferences at the same time.
The connector works for any third-party videoconferencing tool, supporting user identities and room identities, which is the case for most tools.
Other new connectors include – GLPI, Xbus, X (twitter) and Crowdin.
eXo Platform 7.0 is immediately available to all cloud clients / users. Your account manager will be in touch shortly to schedule your upgrade when necessary.
The community edition package will be released within a month, with dedicated communication as to the changes and the differences between the community 7.0 and the enterprise 7.0 editions.
The enterprise edition package will be released after the supported environments testing period.
You can experiment with the 7.0 version in the public trial:
Public webinars presenting eXo Platform 7.0 will be announced after the community edition release.
Stay tuned to find out more!
Download the eXo Platform 7.0 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
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I am the Chief Executive Officer of eXo Platform (the open source digital workplace platform), a company that I co-founded while in college and that I came back to after several years in the banking and consulting industry. I blog about modern work, about open-source and sovereignty issues. Occasionally, I also blog about my personal areas of interest, such as personal development, work–life balance, sustainability and gender equality.