Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
We are excited to announce the general availability of eXo Platform 6.5.
To summarize, eXo Platform 6.5 is about flexibility and personalization. In particular, the version introduces significant new capabilities allowing to tailor the platform to your needs and create personalized experiences for your users in just a few clicks and without any code.
The version also focuses on improving each user experience with the platform introducing notification customization capabilities and a personal productivity suite.
Below we present the most significant enhancements. So what’s new in eXo Platform 6.5?
You can now manage your navigation directly from any page through a centralized navigation management panel: easily create a new navigation node, adjust its display properties (icon), manage visibility settings and more
In the same way, you can easily create a new page from the interface. The creation process is simplified – simply choose a page from a list of available templates. A preview is available to guide you.
In the 6.5 version we modernized the most frequently used components for a better experience. You can edit the components directly from the page, without going to the back-office.
Your contributors can now edit rich content articles directly from the article. We have added a number of additional editing options that help create rich personalized content : such as direct web media embeds (iframely), anchors and more.
You can now easily create new ad-hoc website and manage them from the same platform.
The site can be stand-alone and use a dedicated customized layout. This is useful when you want to split your intranet from your collaboration suite. This is also useful to create temporary websites for an event promotion.
The site can also be added (aggregated) into the main platform. In that case, the site will be available in the left aggregation menu. You will be able to choose the site’s visual and position in the menu.
Moreover, the site will then acquire the main platform’s visual settings for a unified user experience. You can now easily display an element (for instance an alert) on all your platform’s pages.
You can switch from one mode to the other at any time in just a few clicks.
Several sites are shipped by default with the platform, which can be used as examples.
Spaces navigation can now be customized by the space manager. In particular, the manager can add new pages and modify the navigation names. Each site can thus become a mini information site, personalized for its members.
Following multiple client requests, eXo Platform 6.5 introduces significant new internationalization capabilities. The current version was already available in multiple languages and included a Google Translate connector for posts and comments.
In addition, the 6.5 version includes :
eXo Platform 6.5 ships with a brand new administration site, centralizing all administrative options in one easy to use environment. The site can be accessed at any time from the main platform through the admin button, visible to administrators only.
Several administration panels have been modernized for a better user experience.
Following clients’ requests, we have added new branding options. In particular, you can now choose your applications and widgets borders, varying your angles edge, for a more modern design. To make your branding even more flexible, you can consider using customizable banner templates for a unique touch.
The panel includes a live preview for all branding options.
It is now possible to activate a public site for your platform. A simple example is shipped with the product. You can enrich it with your own pages and content.
This feature allows you to create a public presentation for your platform. If you manage an open community, you can thus present your community and allow people to join. For closed platforms (intranets, digital workplaces), the feature can be used to create some information pages for external users and partners.
The 6.5 introduces new registration options. It is now possible to allow new users to register from the login page. You can personalize the new users experience through the following options :
The above allows for a number of practical applications :
For faster, optimized browsing, the left-hand aggregated menu gives direct access to pages, sub-pages and spaces’ applications.
Moreover, users can pin the menu, from the top left-hand corner. They can then collapse it when they no longer need it, for a full page content view.
The 6.5 comes with a new notifications center. Users can now see their notifications full screen through an extended panel, filter them by type, archive them in bulk or one by one. A red dot helps identify new notifications.
Some notifications come with an embedded quick action accessible from the notification and saving clicks.
For more information, read the blog dedicated to the new notification center.
Users can now further customize their preferences by muting a space. When they choose to mute a space, they will receive no notifications of any kind from that space. They will not be notified through the notification center (with the exception of a direct mention). Unread activities from that space will not be marked as such for the user.
Users can now visualize all their unread content at a glance through an unread activities filter.
The 6.5 offers each user a dedicated personalized site to follow their personal work and activity. The site includes the following pages :
With this version we pursued our development of the new document management system application adding the following capabilities:
Moreover, eXo Platform 6.5 incorporate the 7.5 version of the OnlyOffice editor. The following new options are now available in the online editor:
eXo Platform 6.5 incorporate stable-8719 jitsi module, including the whiteboard. You can now brainstorm in a meeting using the whiteboard feature and save your meeting’s result as a picture.
For more information, read the following blog.
It is now possible to add images to the task’s description and include images in comments. These very useful capabilities was requested by many clients.
The new composer improves user experience on a number of points:
The 6.5 introduces huge visual and user experience changes when managing your engagement programs.
New card visuals help personalize each program – you can add a banner, an avatar and a display color. The latter will appear around the program card and around each action card. Moreover, you can now manage your program audience.
New card visuals for actions help identify each action. In particular points are visible on each card as well as information about the action, its duration, its points etc. A dedicated view is available for trending actions and all actions can be filtered by program, by type etc.
In the visual category, a new gadget displays features actions in the audience space, engaging your users.
Several new options are introduced to better manage your programs:
Finally, engagement administration is made easy. Each program can be managed in a decentralized way. It is easy to create a program or to manage actions.
As usual, we have done an accessibility audit and addressed many accessibility points with this version. Moreover, eXo Platform 6.5 introduces a few notable accessibility improvements, in particular helping your users create more accessible content:
eXo Platform 6.5 introduces a new password management and hashing algorithm, in line with ANSSI recommendations.
Moreover, the 6.5 version incorporates a number of component upgrades, including security fixes:
The 6.5 version introduces new features helping users monitor and decrease their environmental impact:
eXo Platform 6.5 includes the following supported new connectors. All connectors leverage eXo’s APIs REST:
eXo Platform 6.5 has been released simultaneously in both Enterprise and Community editions.
The Enterprise edition is available through usual client support channels. You can try it here.
Webinars presenting eXo Platform 6.5 will be held shortly. Stay tuned to find out more!
eXo Platform 6 : The Open-Source
Digital Workplace Platform
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
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I am the Chief Executive Officer of eXo Platform (the open source digital workplace platform), a company that I co-founded while in college and that I came back to after several years in the banking and consulting industry. I blog about modern work, about open-source and sovereignty issues. Occasionally, I also blog about my personal areas of interest, such as personal development, work–life balance, sustainability and gender equality.