eXo MEA First Anniversary
Last year, July 24th 2008, eXo Platform SAS opened a new branch in Tunisia: eXo Platform MEA. Since that time, the young branch have been growing.
Participating to the eXo adventure is very exciting and challenging for me and for all the Tunisian team.
During this first year, we tried to achieve a lot of objectives starting by setting up a talented team working on customer support, offshore and internal development and consulting. In August, the technical team will be composed of 10 engineers and we are still looking for talented and motivated people.
On the business side, we can say that eXo is recognized in the North African countries as a solid Open Source Alternative for Collaborative Portal and Enterprise Content Management solutions. The next step is to expand the business development to the Middle East countries, where lot of opportunities are waiting eXo!
All the Tunisian team is happy and proud to be part of the eXo boat!!!
Happy birthday eXo MEA 🙂