eXo JCR 1.10 new features and improvements
eXo Platform JCR 1.10 released.
This is a improvement version of 1.x JCR family which comming with set of new features and improvements.
JCR 1.10 contains such new features as
– JCR based Organization Service
– Amazon SimpleDB support for Workspace storage
– Repositoy management with ONLINE, READ-ONLY and OFFLINE states
– Content Addressable External Values Storage
– New authentication policy mechanism
– FCKeditor uses REST based access to JCR resources
Main improvements are
– Cache optimization for Items access and modification
– Replication members connection recovery and priority mechanism
– Replication BLOBs processing mechanism
– SessionProvider multithreading usage
– Item Move, Copy and Remove operations optimization
– ACL and Permissions logic upgraded
In this release we work on quality and performance of JCR core.
You will meet better speed of Items Move, Copy, Clone and Remove operations. Versioning and Locking operations are faster now too.
We have modernized our Replication service.
The service new features such as Members priority and Member ‘heart-beat’ mechanism will help implement more realistic JCR Clusters.
Replication BLOBs operations were tested again and some issues fixed.
New articles about Replication/Cluster configuration published on eXo wiki.
- Replication configuration for JCR 1.8, 1.9 and higher
- Cluster implementation details
- Replication bandwidth allocation methodology
- Backup strategy for JRC under Proxy Replication
Validation aspects of JSR-170 specification was reviewed in JCR core. JCR Path validation is more strict now. Nodetypes autoctreated child node initialization logic fixed. Security level and JCR Permissions upgraded using new eXo Core Security service.
Fixes of Arabic language dates conversation and Internationalization problem of PDF Document reader applied. Set of multithreading usecases were tested and optimized.
And the New features!
We start new eXo Organization Service API implementation on JCR storage.
The service actually transparent for other applications having use Organization Service API.
Only the service component should be configured.
All existing listeners and initializers can be used with the service. This is a new default Organization Service will be used in next versions of eXo JCR based products such as Portal and ECM.
We step on to SaaS path these days.
eXo JCR storage in Amazon SimpleDB and S3 are beta now.
Today you can setup eXo JCR Repository (e.g. Portal or ECM) on SimpleDB and S3 services, put the application on Amazon EC2 and you got it. Sure you can use the new storage not only on EC2.
Beta status mostly thanks to Amazon… the stuff thanks to Amazon.
We run it on demo JCR on EC2. Ask us if you are interested!
External Values Storage now can be CASasble.
We are supporting Content-Addressable-Storage.
The feature most useful for usecases where same content may be stored (duplicated) in different locations.
With the Value storage the Value will be stored once (one file) and then shared between multiple JCR Properties.
So… add Repository state management, new Security service, WebDAV improvements and REST based access to a JCR content, powerful Office WebDAV plugins, Kofax integration, RMI adapter, REST Groovy services, Registry and Audit services, ACL and metadata extensions and more.
Would it be tasty for Web2.0, 3.0? Yes!
Find more details about version JCR 1.10 on JIRA.
Be in touch with our eXo performance & QA process here.