eXo Collaboration Suite 1.0 Released
We are proud to announce the availability of eXo Collaboration Suite 1.0.
eXo team has been working hard to build a full featured collaboration suite that sits on top of eXo Portal. CS 1.0 applications are rich portlets that run on top of eXo Portal 2.0 or eXo WebOS 1.0.
Main functionalities are :
- eXo Mail : multiple accounts, tags, filters, pop/imap/smtp support, conversations, fulltext search
- eXo AddressBook : multiple address books, tags, sharing, vcard support, thumbnails, fulltext search
- eXo Calendar: events and tasks management, multiple view, reminders, invitations and meeting scheduler
For more details, have a look at the product presentation on eXo Platform website.
Professional binary downloads are available uppon request. For the community, you can already checkout the source code from SVN.