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Part 1 of The Enterprise Intranet “Goes Social” at eXo
Within the enterprise, a dashboard serves as a place where all employees start and return to throughout the work day to access the information, people, functionality and other resources they need to complete their work. An enterprise dashboard is a success if it’s sticky, if employees return to it frequently because it is useful, valuable, or a critical part of their jobs. For example, the discussions and feedback within an activity stream or forum can be easier to follow than long email threads, and more efficient to communicate with all stakeholders than one-off phone calls. Or the unique insight that a mashup of data from multiple applications can provide within a dashboard can enable a user to make better decisions.
Building enterprise dashboards is a key function of eXo Platform 3. To do so, users can leverage the following core features:
This short installment on the importance of dashboards is part of our more extensive story on “The Enterprise Intranet ‘Goes Social’ at eXo.” Next up: “Building and Organizing the Social Intranet.” We will continue to tell our story here in our blog, or you are welcome to read the paper in full – it’s available in the Evaluation Toolkit.
eXo Platform 6 : The Open-Source
Digital Workplace Platform
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
Download the eXo Platform 6 Datasheet and discover all the features and benefits
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