Topics: After outlining all the available resources to support your strategy (for example, documents, videos, texts, articles, tutorials, and whitepapers), you should decide on the topics. Ask yourself if you’ll be publishing company related news in the form of an employer branding video or blog post. Or will it be curated content from your industry? Professional and networking events for small business owners in your area? Educational content? Or a mixture of all of these?
Start by forming your content team. This team should include content creators, experts in your industry who can go deeply into the details, and content managers who will coordinate your creators and your experts, choose the topics and the publication frequency, and keep track of the whole process. It also helps to have people who will audit, check for AI content either with tools like Attrock AI Content Detector or manually, and evaluate your content as your strategy evolves, and who will analyse what works best (more on that later). Utilizing tools like coworking facility software can also streamline collaboration among team members and enhance productivity throughout the content creation process.
You should also work on a content calendar so you can concentrate on the operational and tactical details needed to execute your strategy. The calendar will include all the elements mentioned above, such as: who will create and publish the content? How often do you want to publish in those spaces? What content will be published where? Who are your content owners? Does your content need management or approval? What are the deadlines for content completion?
Pay attention also to your content policies and procedures. You should ensure that users are applying your organisation’s brand image across your digital workplace, provide your creators with content templates in order for them to produce consistent content, So that readers can easily scan and consume information, publish procedures for adding new pages or spaces in order to avoid unnecessary or duplicated content utilizing content optimization tools where applicable.
Measuring the success of your content will indicate which types perform best and help identify opportunities to fill any gaps, aligning with the latest content marketing trends.
Types of Digital workplace solutions
The modern workplace has evolved significantly in recent years, with advancements in technology, the growing number of tools …
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