Cartoon of the week – CoreOS just fired a Rocket at Docker
CoreOS is launching Rocket to go after Docker.
Read more:
- GigaOM review: Why CoreOS just fired a Rocket at Docker
- TechCrunch review: CoreOS Calls Docker “Fundamentally Flawed,” Launches Its Own Container Runtime
- InformationWeek review: Rocket Challenges Docker On Cloud Containers
Don’t miss other cool reads this week :
- Interview: Jane Moran, global CIO, Unilever – the most influential person in UK IT 2014
- Charts on Grids – Responsive Dashboard Templates with Bootstrap
- Community is Much More Than Belonging to Something; It’s About Doing Something Together That Makes Belonging Matter
- TechTarget’s 2014 IT Salary and Careers Survey infographic
- AWS partners keeping up with the pace of innovation
- The raw truth about outsourcing: 83% of outsourcing customers would not go back, despite three-in-four failing to achieve value beyond cost